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Never worked out before? Even if you’re only considering joining a gym or typing in “gyms near me” to look at the search results, you’ve taken the first step to getting started on your fitness journey. However, there’s more to any fitness journey than going to your gym regularly enough to ensure that you get the most out of your membership fee. We need to ensure that you stay motivated.

The rush of endorphins after that first workout is encouraging, but it’s not a constant feeling. Soon enough, motivation levels drop, and excuses start increasing. Before you know it, you promise yourself that you’ll try harder next year. So how does one start this journey and stay on track as a beginner? Start by taking our advice.

Set Your Why-Power

“Why-Power” is something that will keep you going. It involves developing your “why” – in other words, what propels you forward and gives your actions and decisions meaning. By identifying why you’re starting this fitness journey, you can drive your motivation. It could be prompted by the need to change your life, run a race or beat a health scare. Once you have your “why” you can refer to it on those days when you feel sluggish or demotivated.

Pace Is Key

Often newcomers force themselves to visit a gym daily, to build a habit. However, this can lead to you seeing it as a tiring chore to be put off or to reschedule. The opposite will also have an unfavourable result, as going to the gym once in a while won’t create consistency. Create a workout programme that’s easily adaptable and achievable. Break down sessions, instead of committing to longer workouts and space them out evenly.

Effort Over Results

It can be disheartening when you don’t see weight loss or muscle gain immediately. Instead of focusing on this, make sure you check in on how you are “feeling”.  Those regular workouts will definitely make you feel better both mentally and physically, and that is a brilliant result to push your motivation to the next level.

Stay Inspired

This is the most challenging part of your journey but also the most important. Motivating yourself can be hard, especially if you’re on this journey alone. Expanding your social circles to meet like-minded individuals can be a mutually beneficial way to keep you on track. Getting fit should be seen as more than just exercise, so find classes that you enjoy alone and with others.

Looking for the right place to get going? The Olympic Pools & Fitness Centre is more than another result on the “gyms near me” search results page. Our team has combined their skills and enthusiasm to create an environment that engages and encourages every individual. We’ll help you develop a positive mindset towards getting fit, support you through your journey and help you stay motivated.