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Sleep is important for many bodily functions, such as chronic disease prevention, hormone regulation, as well as mood and weight regulation.

7 Sleep well Tips:

  • Bed before 10pm -­ physical repair takes place when we are asleep between 10pm-­2am.
    Between 2:00 to 6:00 a.m you then enter a stage of psychic or mental regeneration.
  • Turn off the TV and any other devices 2 hours before bed, but if deadlines need to be met then install f.lux or night shift (Apple update) to switch from blue light to amber.
  • Don’t eat at least 2 hours before you go to bed.
  • Ensure sure your room is completely dark (no gadgets left on while sleeping) and a comfortable temperature (ideally around 18°C)
  • Avoid stimulating drinks such as coffee, stick to water or herbal tea (chamomile is especially calming)
  • Are you getting enough magnesium in your diet? Magnesium helps to relax mind chatter and provide relief from insomnia. Foods high in magnesium include: green veggies, beans, peas and nuts.
  • And most importantly exercise regularly as it is harder to stay awake too late if you are physically fatigued. But be careful not to exercise to late at night as this can disrupt your ideal sleep patterns by raising your cortisol levels.
Nikki Martin

Nikki is a highly enthusiastic, very dedicated and a motivational Personal Trainer/Nutritionist and believes in considering every aspect of a clients lifestyle when designing a training and nutritional program to meet their goals, such that the program becomes a part of their lifestyle change.